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Private Party  Reservations

Looking for the perfect kid friendly place to host your birthday party, family gathering, field trip, or special event? 

You Belong takes private reservations for our facility for up to 45 people. This includes The Adventure Zone, The Sensory Room, and the Multi-Purpose Room. 

*Reservation times are limited to availability, we recommend making reservations at least 45 days in advance

Private Party Rates - are $300 for 3 hours ($50 deposit is required to hold your party date)

Call 920-425-3204 or email to make your private  reservation today

The Adventure Zone

The Adventure Zone is filled with fun areas to explore like the dino excavation area, the hideaway tree house, sensory maze and more! This is a great space for children and youth to explore and get those wiggles out. 


The Sensory Hideaway

Sometimes even adventurers need a little break. Our Sensory Room is your hideaway to relax, recharge, and then get back to your epic quest when you’re ready. It's filled with calming features to help you find your Zen!

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The Multi-Purpose Room

The multi-purpose room is a great space for food, presents, and relaxing. Our comfortable recliner and massage chairs make this is a great space for our seasoned adventurers to relax and chat while the party is rolling on. 

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